Saturday, 19 December 2009

SMUG Magazine Launch

Another launch or another opening - that is in general what has been happening here in Oslo this autumn. The other week it was the internet mag Smulesning ( that launced their new magazine. It is quite bold going from the internet to become a real magazine these days. It's almost doing the opposite of what everybody else are doing. But Smug is a beautifull magazine featuring music, art, fashion and lifestyle. You can get it at Narvesen.
I wore cardigan, pants and bag from Balenciaga, tee from Lovely Trap and my lovely Acne pumps!

Beautiful Marianne has styled one of the series as well as one of the cover shots. She wore her new fab Wang bag!


Laura Diaz said...

Love the photos!

Jonas said...


marianne said...

Åh søtnos du!! Fine bilder!